I think the answer to that question lies within each of us. We live in a world where the ability to be informed is easy, the ability to find the truth however is harder. News agencies around the globe need huge amounts of news to fill air time column space, and to make money on advertising. So they sensationalize events make them out to be all large all encompassing. They trade on our fear and we let them. Before I go much further I want to say that the next couple of paragraphs are in no way intended to tarnish the memory of our soldiers or those lives suddenly taken by an act of terror. According the Wikipedia 2,996 people died as a result of the attacks on September 11.2001. In the same year the total deaths by motor vehicle accident in the USA was 42,196, Total number of murders in the same year in the USA 15,980 (source www.FBI.gov, Death by heart disease usa 2010, 597,689 (Source www.cdc.gov) The above are real numbers, based on government reports an...