Its Time

I like most people have been watching the going on in Syria with great unease.  For me its not so much the civil war but the way the Syrian people are being played like pieces on a chess board by the rest of the world.

Russia has blood on its hands.  It kept making noises about brokering peace but in reality all they did was sell the Syrian army more complex and expensive weapons.  China is in exactly the same boat, all noise no work.  To be honest both country's should hang their heads in shame.  But they won't they will continue these stupid little games so they can sell more military Tech.

We in the west have been hamstrung, we don't want yet another war where our boys are put in the front lines.  NATO has been deployed continuously for over a decade.  In the UN Russia and China use their veto's to override any attempts to help the situation inside Syria.  Turkey has jets on standby and artillery along the border.  Syria have shelled Israel trying to flame and old hatred there.

In all its a fucking mess.  The Syrian government showed in the last 48 hours that they like Saddam need to be removed from power.  The use of a weapon of mass destruction against ones people is just a step way to far for anyone.  It makes me sick.

People ask how did we get to here ?  The answer is because we let it.  America and NATO are not the worlds watchdogs, the UN is supposed to do those things, but it like the league of nations it replaced is a place of words and not actions.

This evening France is evoking its right to take military action in Syria, if the gas attacks can be independently verified.  France is unique in the region in that they have a sizable deploy-able force within striking range.  I hope Turkey also becomes involved.  This would make a sizable contribution to returning stability and peace to the country.

In the end we need to stand up and cry out against the use of such weapons against civilians.  It is not acceptable and never should be to use a WMD on your own people no matter the strife.  Me personally if it is proven would like to see the entire chain of command hang.  Then like Saddam they can got meet their maker.


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