Why are we so afraid ?
I think the answer to that question lies within each of us. We live in a world where the ability to be informed is easy, the ability to find the truth however is harder. News agencies around the globe need huge amounts of news to fill air time column space, and to make money on advertising. So they sensationalize events make them out to be all large all encompassing. They trade on our fear and we let them.
Before I go much further I want to say that the next couple of paragraphs are in no way intended to tarnish the memory of our soldiers or those lives suddenly taken by an act of terror.
According the Wikipedia 2,996 people died as a result of the attacks on September 11.2001. In the same year the total deaths by motor vehicle accident in the USA was 42,196, Total number of murders in the same year in the USA 15,980 (source www.FBI.gov, Death by heart disease usa 2010, 597,689 (Source www.cdc.gov)
The above are real numbers, based on government reports and statistics. In the same year with the exception of heart disease. Yet we still drive cars, we haven't had the government install control chips in our cars have we. But we let the government increase its video surveillance without a whimper, all in the name of beating terrorists.
I bet most of you don't know how many causalites the west has taken in both Iraq and Afghanistan.. Well let me tell you;
Iraq Total 4804
Afghanistan 3389
Total 8193, and that does not take into consideration the deaths of civilians and soldiers/fighters on the other side.
So why are we so afraid of terrorists? Why are we letting governments and the media make us afraid, so afraid that we openly allow our freedoms to be taken away. That we allow them to monitor us, read our communications, and keep all of our telephone and internet records for years.. Why ?
I will tell you why, because we have been fooled, we have been played by both our governments and our enemies. The two wars were both justified to halt terrorism, and yes I agreed that the world is a better place for it. But its not a better place if we let governments remove our rights because we are afraid. Far worse things happen every day in the USA than what happend on Sep 11, murders, road deaths, heart disease brought about by poor diet and health, yet we are not afraid of those.
Stand up people realise you have been fooled. Fooled into thinking that we are always under imminent attack, because we are not. The attacks although devistating to our feeling of safety are insignificant to the losses of so many other things. I hate terrorism please do not believe for one second that I don't those people on Sept 11 did not deserve to die, but I ask is the fear we feel justified or is it manufactured for the gain of a few.
Before I go much further I want to say that the next couple of paragraphs are in no way intended to tarnish the memory of our soldiers or those lives suddenly taken by an act of terror.
According the Wikipedia 2,996 people died as a result of the attacks on September 11.2001. In the same year the total deaths by motor vehicle accident in the USA was 42,196, Total number of murders in the same year in the USA 15,980 (source www.FBI.gov, Death by heart disease usa 2010, 597,689 (Source www.cdc.gov)
The above are real numbers, based on government reports and statistics. In the same year with the exception of heart disease. Yet we still drive cars, we haven't had the government install control chips in our cars have we. But we let the government increase its video surveillance without a whimper, all in the name of beating terrorists.
I bet most of you don't know how many causalites the west has taken in both Iraq and Afghanistan.. Well let me tell you;
Iraq Total 4804
Afghanistan 3389
Total 8193, and that does not take into consideration the deaths of civilians and soldiers/fighters on the other side.
So why are we so afraid of terrorists? Why are we letting governments and the media make us afraid, so afraid that we openly allow our freedoms to be taken away. That we allow them to monitor us, read our communications, and keep all of our telephone and internet records for years.. Why ?
I will tell you why, because we have been fooled, we have been played by both our governments and our enemies. The two wars were both justified to halt terrorism, and yes I agreed that the world is a better place for it. But its not a better place if we let governments remove our rights because we are afraid. Far worse things happen every day in the USA than what happend on Sep 11, murders, road deaths, heart disease brought about by poor diet and health, yet we are not afraid of those.
Stand up people realise you have been fooled. Fooled into thinking that we are always under imminent attack, because we are not. The attacks although devistating to our feeling of safety are insignificant to the losses of so many other things. I hate terrorism please do not believe for one second that I don't those people on Sept 11 did not deserve to die, but I ask is the fear we feel justified or is it manufactured for the gain of a few.
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