Another Mint problem down

Hi all;

As you know I have written about Linux Mint a couple of times now, I have found it amazing and so windows like without all the windows issues.

There have however been a couple of issues that have had me dual booting.  The not least of which is the fact that I need MS office for school.  Now the free word processor that comes with mint is great for basic stuff, but if you want the whole hog you really cant get away from MS office.

I have several times over the last year tried without success to install MS office into mint both using wine and VirtualBox without much success.  Well that changed tonight.

I needed Office for a major assignment I have due and I am sick of booting and rebooting to get stuff, I tried again with VirtualBox with no joy.  Then I found this link

Now I know its not all done in a gui and needs some commands at terminal but it works.  If your unsure on using terminal simply highlight the command and copy then click into terminal and press ctrl-shift-V  this will paste the command into terminal.  Simply press enter to run the command.  First time you will be asked for your password, simply enter it and then press enter.

I am now running it successfully and its nice to have it available.  Another piece of the Linux puzzle completed.  Well done linux mint.

Need any help drop me a message


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