Message to the World

Have been hanging on to these video's for quite a while now.  Its in summary about how I feel about the world and my place in it.  There are some incredibly inspirational speeches below, if you have the time they are worth a listen

An amazing speech, I wonder if in the real world these days anyone would have the balls to stand up and say the same thing for real.  Because I think its those things he talks about that have us lost on our way.

An old speech before mobile phones before drones, and before the internet, yet truer now than any other time in history.  An amazing speech,

Another truely amazing speach, I think it tells us a lot about ourselves and our destiny in the world.  He has gone down as one of the greatest leaders of all time and its brilliance like this speach that made it that way.  I will however quote the following;

"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."

This I belive is what our answer should be to those who call us war mongers, who see us trying to impose our way of life our belief's on others.  We do these amazing things because of who we are, and what we believe.  Our moral and ethical beliefs in our armed forces are as strong today as they have always been.  They serve us we the people, and they do it knowing that they may not come home.

I believe that we in the west are laying down an amazing legacy that will see a world that is free for all its citizens.  For all that is wrong with America there is a lot right with America.  We stand now I believe at the beginning of an amazing time in history, where we can protect the rights of all the worlds citizens we only need the will.



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