
Winston Churchill is a controversial man, one who made serious mistakes in his life that cost young men and boys their lives.  But he is also considered the only man for the job during the second world war.  From his heroic savior of the British Expeditionary Forces at Dunkirk to his rousing speeches in the house of commons, he can be and is seen as an extraordinary person a man made for the moment.

His personal and often painful speeches to the population of England during the second world war showed his innate ability to rouse a population and to put into words what many were feeling.  To me he is a hero of the highest order, he not only fought the NAZI's but also his own personal battle with depression.  His forward vision saw the carving up of Europe to east and west long before his speech in the UN about the Iron curtain. He did everything he could to warn us but by then the world was deaf to his calls.

I come across his speeches from time to time, this one I came across today, please enjoy;

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."
-Winston Churchill


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