Hate and what we teach the young.
Hate in itself is insidious, it reaches into every part of our lives, every day we repeat or see something that is hateful. Not intentionally, in fact quite often its not intentional and the people sprouting the hate don't understand that they are in fact doing harm. I'm guilty of it, I have often said things about different people races, creeds etc that are generalizations that are hateful in intent. I caught myself today calling a Muslim woman a terrorist when she walked out in front of me while I was driving. Not a nice thing to say, what made it worse was the three children she had with her.
I sprouted the hatred that has grown in me since 9/11. That date in itself was bad enough but it is what I have learnt since that takes my hate to a whole new level. A couple weeks back you will remember I made a massive rant about a woman taking the photo of her child holding a banner suggesting we behead people. Today I made myself lower than that person. My hatred is born out of the stories some true some not, of 12 and 13 year old boys being fooled into strapping a suicide bomb on and killing innocent victims. Its born out of the hatred for those who shot a young girl because she dare suggest women have an education.
But its more than that, its born out of a hatred for a group of people who decided it was ok to kill all those children in Belsan. I know it doesn't represent but a small proportion on Muslim people around the world, but I find it hard to balance the hate I have when they remain silent while these crimes are committed in their names.
Hate is and always will be with each of us. How we choose to control, or express that hate, empowers or destroys another generation after we are gone. Example in point is the Churches continued doctrine of anti- gay hysteria. It has caused literally thousands of young boys to kill themselves. Not only that it has destroyed men who have committed no crime other than to love someone they are not allowed to. I seem to remember the same with black women and white men. How long did it take to remove that injustice. Worse still it was those same black women who turned out in their thousands in California to overturn gay marriage. How quickly they forget the sting. But I transgress, my point was that the gay jokes the gay put downs were inherited from generations before. Most of us now choose not to use these things as we see them for what they are hateful.
Maybe we should all think about what we say and what we don't. Me I need to try and find a way to think about the Muslim thing in another way, so I am not wanting to scream at an innocent person and accuse them of something that they are not guilty of. At the least she thought "stupid white person" at worst she told her husband and now we have another extremist. Food for thought no.
Ok yes it was rambling and if there is one point I think everyone should take away is that, we should never stand by and let things be done in our name that we do not agree with. We should be loud & proud, we need to make people understand we wont accept hate in our name, nor will our children.
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