And a Step to the Left. Iran v's world

Hi all.  Normally on this blog I try to keep away from current affairs, I may delve from time to time into issues of personal importance to me, but I try to keep it refrained.

However today I am going to step out of that realm to set some so called experts right.  I will be talking directly about the up coming engagement between Iran and the rest of the known world, over its badly hidden nuclear weapons program.

First things first.  There is no love lost between Iran and Israel, Iran has repeatedly stated that it will burn the state of Israel from the map.  It has incited violence and sponsored terror throughout the middle east and the world.  It claims to be a peaceful loving country, yet its actions show it to be anything but.   The US and Iran are also long standing enemy's, with the US having sponsored a war between Iran and Iraq with bad consequences as history has shown.

But there is more to this future conflict than meets the eye.  Firstly none of Iran's neighbors want Iran to have a nuclear weapons capability for two key reasons.  1 Because Iran will use its status as a nuclear power to coerce and bully its neighbors  and 2 because if the Iranian government falls terrorist organisations that it sponsors would have direct access to those weapons.  Add in a 3rd point about a regional arms race and the picture is nothing short of horrifying.

Iran says that because Israel has the bomb it should be allowed to develop it.   That it is Israel that has set off the nuclear arms race.  The difference is that Israel has not used its weapons to attack its neighbors  nor would it allow the weapons to be used by terrorists.  Israel has had these weapons for decades, and now Iran chooses to make a point of it.  Come on that's the biggest load of BS I have ever heard out of Iran.  One more point on Israel, its weapons are a deterrent against states like Iran attacking them.  Israel did in the first gulf war threaten to turn Baghdad into glass if Iraq used chemical weapons.  The threat worked and thousands of people were not needlessly killed.

So we come now to a point where we are staring down a conflict.  There are literally thousands of scenario's that could run. Of course if Iran do not stop this process then Israel, one of Iran's neighbors or the US will take a preemptive strike against Iranian facilities. There will be cry's of foul play from Iran's supports, the Russia and China but there is little that can be done after the strike is done.

My money is on the USA not Israel, I think it will be a preemptive missile bombardment possibly using low yield nuke devices in a sea launched missile, maybe from a boomer.  Another long range option would be an MX class missile with multiple war heads.  Either way Iran would have no time to react and the damage to their dreams would be catastrophic.

Iran would then probably block the straights, which is an act of war, and then the USA and its local allies could use their overwhelming technical, and military advantage and take out a large percentage of Iran's ability to fight.  To use the term, bomb them back to the dark ages.  Iran would strike back, launching its massive array of missiles most of these will not be accurate enough for pin point strikes but will take a toll in cities and states throughout the region.  Most close allies have anti missile systems in place, mostly sourced from the USA.

We know that most of the Russian and Chinese based defense systems that Iran has, can be circumvented, remembering the pentagon works on this stuff every day of the year. All I have to say about both countries technology is  "Have you driven a Russian or Chinese designed and built car lately?"

The end result is without question, Iran will have no nuclear program and its military ability will be heavily hobbled.  I don't believe the USA wants to put forces on the ground, and it doesn't make sense to do that anyway, it would be an air campaign very much like the Serbian incident. 

To all those who doubt the USA's ability to strike, to bring massive and overwhelming firepower to bear, you forget your place in the world.  The USA at its weakest is still the most capable armed forces on earth, it has time and time again shown its ability to put both men and machines on the ground anywhere on earth.  Not only that they lead the world in military tech, aircraft, field guns, tanks and at sea.  The USA has no equal on earth, and it is the only large military force that can move so quickly to strike anywhere.  One more reminder for you people.  There is only 1 country on earth that has used a nuclear device in anger, that is the USA, don't forget it, or one day you might feel its sting.

I am normally not so militant in my views of the middle east, I try and see both sides of the equation, but over recent weeks there has been an abject effort on multiple forums to make the west out to be the aggressor in this incident.  My anger comes because its all fabricated lies from a government that has time and time again lied to get its own way.  Its a known sponsor of terrorists.  Its only supporters China and Russia have major financial investments in Iran and provide weapons and tech, they have lots to loose should Iran be blown to hell.  Some people should wake up and smell the $$$$ that both countries will loose in such a scenario.

The criticism that the US warm machine is all about the money and free trade of oil, is such an old and basically outdated view.  We in the west get our edge because we pay private firms to do our development for us, in states such as Iran they don't have those skill sets so they buy their weaponry, so who is the greater war monger the USA who is open about its development or Russia and China where state sponsored equipment is sold to the world..  AK47 anyone ?

In the end Iran cannot win, because the resolve to stop them is greater than their ability to make a bomb.


  1. It's a curious thing to watch.

    If this business in Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't about squeezing Iran out...what was if for?

    I really wish we could find a way to turn our backs on the place and leave them to their own misery. Just make it clear what will and won't lead to a monsoon of bombs and leave.

  2. No doubt the US has been hostile to Iran but it goes both ways. Iran's government needs to hate the USA to control its people, in a similar vein to the NAZI's and the Jews. The US has always played dirty when it comes to its overseas interests, but that's nothing new and certainly not restricted to the US.

    I don't try to make apologies for anyone's actions, but right now the US is the head of a HUGE economic empire that spans the globe, it will use its influence to ensure that trade flows freely, no matter the cost.

    If you wondering what I mean by dirty, look up the Huges corporation and Blackwater and the combined history, will certainly show you how bad the US has been


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