Teaching an old dog

Well we have all heard the phrase "you cant teach an old dog new tricks".  This is of course not entirely true. My mother and I have an interesting relationship, as multiple posts on this blog can attest.  To bring you up to date she has now moved house and my uncle has sold the place she was living in.  She is now begining to realise how difficult it can be to be a renter.  She has been asking since the day she moved in to put some hooks up for the collection of artworks collected over her and dads lifetime (some very nice stuff in the collection).

The agent has been calling the owner who has not called back.  So I spent the best part of an hour imparting my wisdom and experience in dealing with asshole landlords.  She actually listened and took notes.  Yes I gasped in shock and horror that she did that.  She has been coping a hammering at work also so gave her some notes on how to deal with bullies there also.  After all having been an employee and a boss one learns these things.

On a side note however, our wonderful Bullie is getting better and better every day as she unlearns the kennel life and fits into our home.  Its so nice now when you go outside that she walks straight up head held up tail wagging.  She is due for a bath again soon, i am sure that will put a dampener on her wanting to talk to me.

The moral of both those stories is that yes you can teach an old dog new tricks, both figuratively and in a real sense


  1. And your buyer showed, things are looking up Horse, things are looking up :)

  2. Yeah was great he actually showed, just waiting by the phone for a call about the car today. Here's hoping that we get a good call soon, then I can get the wheels in motion to get it gone.

    Then the fun part finding a car that I want to own


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