Boundless Salvation
Now surprising for me I know but I like to read
In the post listed above you will note the talk about change and how difficult it is even within the organisation. I started off writing a reply but found I had far more to say on the topic that I could safely put into a comment so below is a response to his post.
For faith to survive it must modernize in some way. Im not talking about the removal of structure or core beliefs but an acceptance that the world has changed and therefore the people in it. We are far more education and connected than any other generation in history. Ideas and information move around the world at the speed of light. Books are read on digital readers not on paper (well for some of us). We are reaching out to the stars, and understanding our world better than ever. I feel as many do that the church has not kept up and as such holds little relevance.
Now before we go much further let me tell you that I was raised in a very strict Anglican family. I attended religious schools and was a youth group leader through my teens and early 20's. I was very religious in my observance but by mid 20's things had changed. I had always been attracted to other men and had believed that it would go away that it was a phase. I saw how a local man was kicked out of the community on the rumor he was gay (never proved or admitted). Then the churches reaction when one of my friends fathers committed suicide was the beginning of the end for me personally..
I know the treatment of gay people is a very contentious one at best, with both sides deeply entrenched. The contradiction comes when it seen and quite rightly that some of the systems in place are contradictory at best, and downright cruel at worst when dealing with gay members.
Me personally I have been on the blunt end of that doctrine. Banned from attending services until such time as I choose not to be gay. My point I think is made clearly by that statement. Add to this the fact we are taught that to lie is a sin, so therefore lying about your sexual orientation to "fit" a piece of doctrine is also a sin. Its complex but goes far deeper.
The Church as a whole has lost control of what goes on in our bedrooms. Why ? well there are hundreds of individual reasons that lead to this. Sex before marriage, multiple relationships and divorce have all had a dramatic effect in this area. To then allow same sex partners to get married I think for some in the church is just to much to loose. Its the proverbial line in the sand.
I also understand that there are people within the church that want change, they want equality and everything that comes with that. To share the gospel and its love to all peoples no matter race color orientation or creed. To love all of gods children and support them during their times of need. You see deep down I still want to know that God loves me that I am one of his children, but my world and my church will simply not allow for that.
I have spent nearly a decade now investigating organized religions and have found good and bad in all. I ask myself if this investigation is just me trying to find acceptance or if its more deep rooted in that I am looking for ways to help the church change. I still believe in God and all that goes with that, but you know its hard to do that when you see the damage his church is doing to my kind. Gay teen suicide rates are nothing short of disgusting, and the rates are highest where the church has the most influence. Hardliners have no sympathy for their suicides and claim its the devil taking his own.
I know for a fact that is not true, I personally have helped young boys/guys get somewhere safe, but why cant the church just simply accept us for who we are. His children, not some daemon walking the earth.
I feel for you trying to help reform, its always painful but a necessary part of renewal which all organisations religious or not must deal with. The church in the past has incorporated pagan ritual and belief into doctrine, I just wonder how much longer do we have to wait for it to accept the science and move into modern life.
Thanks for reading all, my struggle with this is far from over, if I could write down the hurt I feel I would about this topic but that is simply not possible because our language does not have the words to express it.
In the post listed above you will note the talk about change and how difficult it is even within the organisation. I started off writing a reply but found I had far more to say on the topic that I could safely put into a comment so below is a response to his post.
Now before we go much further let me tell you that I was raised in a very strict Anglican family. I attended religious schools and was a youth group leader through my teens and early 20's. I was very religious in my observance but by mid 20's things had changed. I had always been attracted to other men and had believed that it would go away that it was a phase. I saw how a local man was kicked out of the community on the rumor he was gay (never proved or admitted). Then the churches reaction when one of my friends fathers committed suicide was the beginning of the end for me personally..
Me personally I have been on the blunt end of that doctrine. Banned from attending services until such time as I choose not to be gay. My point I think is made clearly by that statement. Add to this the fact we are taught that to lie is a sin, so therefore lying about your sexual orientation to "fit" a piece of doctrine is also a sin. Its complex but goes far deeper.
The Church as a whole has lost control of what goes on in our bedrooms. Why ? well there are hundreds of individual reasons that lead to this. Sex before marriage, multiple relationships and divorce have all had a dramatic effect in this area. To then allow same sex partners to get married I think for some in the church is just to much to loose. Its the proverbial line in the sand.
I also understand that there are people within the church that want change, they want equality and everything that comes with that. To share the gospel and its love to all peoples no matter race color orientation or creed. To love all of gods children and support them during their times of need. You see deep down I still want to know that God loves me that I am one of his children, but my world and my church will simply not allow for that.
I have spent nearly a decade now investigating organized religions and have found good and bad in all. I ask myself if this investigation is just me trying to find acceptance or if its more deep rooted in that I am looking for ways to help the church change. I still believe in God and all that goes with that, but you know its hard to do that when you see the damage his church is doing to my kind. Gay teen suicide rates are nothing short of disgusting, and the rates are highest where the church has the most influence. Hardliners have no sympathy for their suicides and claim its the devil taking his own.
I know for a fact that is not true, I personally have helped young boys/guys get somewhere safe, but why cant the church just simply accept us for who we are. His children, not some daemon walking the earth.
I feel for you trying to help reform, its always painful but a necessary part of renewal which all organisations religious or not must deal with. The church in the past has incorporated pagan ritual and belief into doctrine, I just wonder how much longer do we have to wait for it to accept the science and move into modern life.
Thanks for reading all, my struggle with this is far from over, if I could write down the hurt I feel I would about this topic but that is simply not possible because our language does not have the words to express it.
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