To be at bottom

Well a personal post tonight, more about me and how I feel right now.  I feel at the bottom of a very deep dark hole.  No light, and reality is a long way away.  Im going through the motions so people don't worry about me.  Reality is I have no drive, I just want to sit in the quiet with my eyes closed.  Not asleep but not awake, a very peaceful place. 

But my world demands of me, I have people to help and basic human functions to take care of even though I dont want to.  I have put on 10Kgs in the last 2 weeks, thats only making things worse

anyway have a good one


  1. Going against the grain of one's emotions has got to be about the hardest things a person can do...but your doing it and meeting your responsibilities.

    At least you've got that.

  2. Thank you for your kind comment. I fight most days, sometimes it just gets to hard. But I know after nearly 8 years of this journey that time is something that I have plenty of. Time to heal, time to live.


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