Misbehaving Kids & Bad Parents

Well today was one of those days, where you wish social norms would let you speak out.  I have put up with misbehaving kids, on planes in cinemas at the supermarket and the list goes on.  Normally I grin and bear it knowing that it will be over soon, and I take pity on a mother all alone dealing with a kid playing up.

Well come to this afternoon, I headed down the local supermarket to get food (yes even I need that stuff) and was happily shopping until  it started.  There was a young boy maybe 5 or 6 in the trolley, and he was screaming.  I don't mean crying I mean screaming at the top of his lungs.  Both mum and dad seemed oblivious.  20 minutes later and its still going on.  I wanted to go up to the couple and ask one of them to remove him from the store.  Even the supermarket staff tried to calm him and that didn't work.  Why the hell one of the parents didn't remove him from the situation is beyond me.

The parents acted as though nothing was wrong.  By the time I got to the register I was pissed off to say the least.  The woman in front and behind me in the line were muttering things under their breath.  When it came to my turn to be served the operator asked me how I was, so I told him.  Pissed off that the little brat wasn't removed from the store. He said everyone was saying the same thing.

Now I don't blame the kid here don't get me wrong kids will be kids, but where was the responsibility of the parents.  Their misbehaving child upset and entire supermarket and they did nothing to stop it.  The kid was still at it when they were packing the car.  Thank god I was leaving.  Parents have a responsibility to keep their children in check when they are in public.  If not they should be confronted about their actions.  Upsetting all those people while you ignore the sheer volume of what your child is producing is just plain not on.

Now before I get lambasted by every goody goody out there that taking the child from the supermarket would damage him later in life.  Basically get lost.  The greater good of those around the child should and should always override the needs of a 5 year old.  If you don't like that then dont take the kids into places where they can disturb others.  Yes I do know what I am talking about here, having raised a little girl from the first 6 years of her life.  She would never have done that to begin with but when she did we would take her out of the situation that caused the angst.  I have left an entire load of shopping in the trolley and walked out rather than put others through it.

Annoyed and angry still and that was 5 hours ago.  Anyway does anyone have their own bad kid bad parents story, if so leave me a comment. :)


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