I was one of the first to grow up with computers, my first console was an Atari 64 first PC a commodore 64 with tape drive. Its where I became a gamer. Today the average gamer is in their 30's and games are more violent and realistic than ever. Full immersion is the goal, to become part of the game, to escape the reality of the world in which you live. Have heard many a time, ït will rot your brain", "gaming will never get you anywhere, its anti social". That is one way of looking at it. But I prefer the alternate view and that is I have lived a double life. http://youtu.be/6Bqq38WZctA . Suggest you stop by that and you will get what I mean Transcript For years, I've lived a double life. In the day, I do my job I ride the bus, roll up my sleeves with the hoi polloi. But at night, I live a life of exhilaration, of missed heartbeats and adrenalin. And, if the truth be known, a life of dubious virtue. I won't deny it I've been engaged in vi...