Lost a beautiful boy
Lost my kitten today. We moved hnouse over the last week and had kept the kittens inside until yesterday. All went well they had a riot outside. Let them out as I was heading out for doctors and the mechanics today thought nothing of it.
4 hours later I arrive home and my neighbors on the driveway side of the house called me over and introduced themselves and then gave me some horrible news. That beautiful grey kitten in the picture below had been torn apart by the other neighbors ridge backs while I was away. They rushed him to the vets but it was to late.
Calling the council tomorrow but not hopeful much will be done. Im going to go see him tomorrow, say goodbye like I have for every other animal I have owned. He was a great cat loving and close. The neighbors responsible haven even bothered to contact us that just makes me angry.
So to my kitten GT I love you and miss you already. Im sorry I failed to protect you, and I hope you can forgive me.
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