A bit of everything

Hi all;

Been a while since I posted, last you heard of me I was pretty down and unwell, the down bits gone but the glandular fever has not.  It knocked me on my ass last night and that was not pleasant.  Im unwell today been sleeping on and off without realizing it all day.

Tomorrow hope to finish a quote and organize a meeting.  With the end result being a go ahead next week to deliver a new network.

My personal life has been funny my ex and I still talk a lot mainly about him and his problems, we have now completely separated which had to happen, I could not keep him reliant on me and the other way around.  My new friend yes I said friend is meaning more and more to me each day but there will be no moving in before the end of the lease here.

Now this may shock a few of you but we are talking about using ECT on me to give me a break from the meds.  Yes this is a treatment that I have actively campaigned against in the past but some recent breakthroughs using micro voltages and multiple charges are showing good cause.  Im terrified, but I also know that it might be the best chance at a normal life for a while where I can return to some normality.

The end of the best time of year is here, its getting hotter and more humid, the wet cant be more than 6 weeks away, and did someone say Christmas ?

I have a post brewing one of my more deep and meaningful types, there have been a dozen or more topics of late I have overlooked, but to be honest in my current frame of mind I might screw it up lol.

Please readers be kind to yourself your family and your friends, remember we are all special even when we don't feel it and most importantly, someone somewhere loves you, even if they havent told you.

Finally a word for Ryan

It seems like a lifetime ago that we first met, your cheaky smile your uncomfortable gait, we became close friends though we were two years apart.  But on that afternoon on the way home, we became more than we could tell everyone.  They say we never forget out first, I can never forget you.  In my last trip down I gave your parents your diary they had a right to know.  To know that you and I were in love, they took it well and your mum called me her missing son. But thats you, when you left us that afternoon the world changed, I hated you for leaving but all these years later now understand why.  My life is amazing now and without the hurt I felt for you I would never have taken the steps to the real me, so in a way you changed me to who I should have been all along.  I love you Ryan and I hope we meet again after this mortal coil leaves.

Thanks all


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