
Showing posts from April, 2014

Wish me luck

Tomorrow is a kind of make or break day for me.  So wish me luck, I hope tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of my life I am looking for. Horse


You all know what I have had to say on this topic, I have made posts about it all through the last years.  Freedom is always purchased in a single currency.  Blood.  Its hard to justify at times, but when our enemy will not give us an inch we should not give them one in return.  Its fight or fall and has always been that way. So my quote today is from a man I believe will go down in history as one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen.  His own bravery in battle unquestioned and his die hard attitude changed for ever the destiny of one of the greatest countries in the world. "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." Ronald Reagan We must not forget, peace is fragile, it can be purchased by the chains of slavery or fought for and defended.  Despite what we might be told, we in the we...

Recovery a begining and an Ending

Well its been a few days since I posted.  A lot has happened to be recently and to be honest I havent had the mental energy to sit and tell you anything. My relationship with my partner of 5 years is over.  We had drifted apart, we are still friends and I hope it to remain that way.  There has not been an argument or a fight just a realization that we were no longer in love with each other.  For me he distance emotionally and lack of intimacy was in the end to much.  For him he felt I had gotten to needy on both those things.  So the impasse was not resolved. So its an ending, yet another one in my life but we will both be better off for it, and I can stop walking around on egg shells every time he comes home.  The reality of it all has started to hit home from his side this past couple days.  He is slowly getting shut out of my daily life, and he is finding that hard to deal with.  I have been out a lot these last weeks, partly because...

It creeps it crawls its always there

Hi, all not sure how this will come out but here goes. As mentioned I had a really bad incident a week or so ago now, and I am still paying the consequences for that.  I have developed a permanent tremor down my left side, and I haven’t eaten a full meal since.  Even a piece of toast comes back up. Spoke to my psychiatrist about it he thinks both are related to the meltdown.  You see no matter how well I manage the illness it can come back and bite me.  He says it is a testimate to me how well I have managed myself and my illness to go so long without this. I am still pulled apart, and im unsure how I go back together.  The truth of that night that morning is difficult to recant without showing a side of me that is painful.  But to do so I hope that I can help others cope with this. This all started out quite normally for me, the voices started mid afternoon and were in a particularly  bad mood with me, so around 7.00pm I took my normal meds an...