
Showing posts from October, 2013

Marriage matters

I havent posted in a couple of days to be honest my mind has been working on a long term project that looks like will see payment and ongoing contracts later in the month. However I am as militant as ever when it comes to same sex marriage, Recently getup australia made a short advertisment from funding from its members (yours truly included).  Its time now lets get this shit sorted.. Hope you enjoy

Adoption a solution or a recipie for disaster ?

I know this is a topic I covered last year, but my thoughts about adoption continue to change over time as I learn more about my own and others experiences. You see adoption is seen as a nice clean solution for both the child the child's mother and family and the family that adopts the child.  But its not that simple. Firstly overseas adoption from poor countries.  This has me all worked up, why should we in the west or even the wealthy east have the right to buy a child.  Our wealth gives undue influence to a poor woman or family about giving up a child.  Like harvesting body parts from the poor of India to be used in the West.  I find this difficult to swallow.  I know right now I am about to get howled down by all those childless families about how desperately they want a child.  Here in lies another major problem.  Because these families so badly want children they raise them up onto a pedestal that the child cannot possibly be.  Th...


This is more and observation about modern life than anything else.  Primarily that we have become so interconnected with the world around us. When I was a kid and at school the total sum on knowledge available to me was what was in the local and school library and the city and local papers.  Today kids have access to entire online libraries with millions of titles.  Not only that they have ready access to information found in general web searches, some subjects having literally thousands of sources. But I don't think it has made us any smarter.  In fact I think it has done away with the need to remember since the information is always at our fingertips.  We have become lazy even with our spelling.  The web and instant messaging has made us shorten words, use symbols and then we have spell and grammar checkers to make sure that we get it right.  We don't even have to think in a logical order when writing any more because we can cut and paste parag...

Why are we so afraid ?

I think the answer to that question lies within each of us.  We live in a world where the ability to be informed is easy, the ability to find the truth however is harder.  News agencies around the globe need huge amounts of news to fill air time column space, and to make money on advertising.  So they sensationalize events make them out to be all large all encompassing. They trade on our fear and we let them. Before I go much further I want to say that the next couple of paragraphs are in no way intended to tarnish the memory of our soldiers or those lives suddenly taken by an act of terror. According the Wikipedia 2,996 people died as a result of the attacks on September 11.2001.  In the same year the total deaths by motor vehicle accident in the USA was 42,196, Total number of murders in the same year in the USA 15,980 (source, Death by heart disease usa 2010, 597,689 (Source The above are real numbers, based on government reports an...

I would like to say

Its been a tough couple of weeks for me, a lot of things that I don't want to discuss here have had me tied up in knots. In the end it will all be over by the weekend and will allow this end of the world to return to some form of normality.  Im heading to be early tonight with the goal tomorrow of actually cleaning my office and sorting out clothes that fit and those that don't.  5 more sleeps and normality returns to my life for a while.  In the end I know everyone has bad days I just seem to have more than most.  I think I due to the psych later in the week and man are we going to have an interesting discussion. I find people are so cruel to me.  They say all the right words about understanding mental illness but when it comes down to it they don't.  Words like suck it up, get more treatment I got better why cant you yous just lazy.  What pisses me off no end is 9 times out of 10 these are people who think having situational depression is the s...

Another Kick in the Groin

For all to know I left Facebook today and will never return.  I have tried twice now and today I was openly attacked by someone a couple of weeks ago I would have considered a friend.  Tonight she tells me that I don't have my illness under control and that I don't get any help for it and that she was able to overcome her depression so my schizophrenia should be easy. You know what normally I would go yeah and agree and think inside what a fucking dickhead but today I couldnt this woman wants to work in mental health and she thinks schitzo is fixable... Fuck me talk about dumb no wonder I stick as far away from mental health nurses as possible they are all fucked up. Anyway it has all set a lot of things in motion, I think I will move out of here, my partner and I are further apart now than at any time in our past and he seems more interested in other things than me.  The girl in question tonight did not deny that she wants my partner has the husband for her single c...

What price would you pay.

Again we find ourselves at the doorstep of history.  Decisions we make now will forever shape the humanity of planet earth.  We need to say there is no price we are willing to pay, no price is to high to protect freedom. There should be no government to strong or so right that it no longer listens to the will of the people.  We the people are more informed, more educated and unfortunately more afraid than any other generation in history.  The total wealth of human knowledge doubles nearly every decade, but the rule of dictators and despots remain. We are responsible we hold a moral responsibility to defend freedom no matter the cost in lives materials and men.  We need to be able to stand with our heads held high and talk about sacrifice and duty and how both bring about a better world for mankind.  We stand on the precipice of a new epoch. an Asian century where the poorest peoples in the world move towards and standard of living that not only ...