Workshop Done

Well day two is over, it was hard work but so rewarding.  The group of people I am studying with is so amazing they all have such varied experiences in life some good and some bad.  We have all shared something of ourselves over the past couple of days, and I believe that it will make us all better counselors.

Role playing sounds pretty childish, but done properly where both the client and counselor are active in the story, both can learn through the process.  Its amazing how energy zapping doing either role is.

This morning when I got there I was really worried, I couldn't get out of my head and I found it really hard to concentrate during the first half hour as we went over what we had learnt yesterday.  I kept thinking how am I going to get out of this, I cant concentrate.  But then the amazing thing happened   It may not be amazing to you guys but the moment we started the role playing, the mind shut up and I had full concentration and ability.

You know as I said yesterday I am unlearning the non trust in myself, I am proving again that well medicated well prepared that I can do anything that I set my mind to.  But more importantly I can now see a future for myself in this industry, my fears of not being able to actively listen have all gone.

I had such excellent feedback from my class members and our facilitator.  Now there is an amazing woman.  Towards the end of the day today I was mentally tired, but put under the spotlight I not only performed well I excelled.  Proving to me and others that I can do this when I am not at my best.

At the end of the day we all passed email addresses Skype addresses and mobile numbers.  I hope we all keep in contact.  I think that it will make for a lot better learning experience and now that we know each other being honest about what we are having issues with will be far easier.

I have doubted myself and my own abilities for a long time, its been a hard road but I hope I am now seeing the end of that.  Getting unwell and the journey I have taken has been hard and as I said in my last post sometimes I just need a break.  But even recognizing that in itself is such a huge milestone.

For all those struggling with mental illness if I can say this. Although it has been hard and at times I have wanted to give up, and I have given up many times.  There is a personal journey which you must take, and ignoring that and your basic needs will only make things worse.  We all need help from time to time, I know over the years I have sought and gained help from many sources both traditional and non traditional.  Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of insight and strength.  Your not failing by asking for help but building strength and a better you.

My struggles will be with me while I continue to draw breath, I will have bad days weeks in there. But I am sure,  that I will continue to struggle. But with each struggle I will gain more insight. I am also looking forward to what my clients can teach me.  About myself, about the world around me, and about how amazing they really are.  I consider this to be just another part of my life journey and right now I am crying happy tears at the thought.

The Horse


  1. Great to hear, and happy tears are the best kind. It sounds really cheesy but you should be so proud of yourself, and why when the struggles come - as they inevitably do, you have this positive stuff to hold onto.

    Take care

  2. It has been something amazing and something that I never thought I would ever get to. I think being away from all the daily issues help immensely also. All said and done its been a worthwhile trip, Im half way home as I write this just 8 hours tomorrow, with half the roadworks, but that story is for todays post.

    thanks for reading Sharon, it really does make me feel special


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