I want to tell

Would love to tell u all how i feel right now and the dark thoughts that are filling my mind.

Im afraid if i do that you would never read my blog or want anything to do with ne ever again.

All i can say is its dark here and i am all alone


  1. Tell horse. I'm not going anywhere.

  2. Im in a huge hole, its all to do with a drug called valdoxan and my inability to continue to take it because of the costs. I am wonderful normal and can cope with just about anything when I am on it, when I am off it. Im this scared afraid little man who fails at everything. Worse still the nasty part of my personality has been on display today. None of this would be a drama with the medication, Without it im seriously contemplating not being here any more.

    I have the means the plan and tools to make that happen. Im over living like this, i am nothing but a worthless mental health patient who will never achieve anything because every time I try this shit happens

  3. That's honest talk. You are the only who knows exactly what your struggle is like but, as long as you're here its not hopeless.

    There's nothing harder than having to subsist on the abstract hope that maybe things will be better...when every second of the day is a struggle. You may be scared but you are not a coward. You are still here...you haven't given in to your fear. That's what matters.

    I'll be praying for you horse.


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