So another Friday night is here

Well another Friday what can I say.  For all those trying not to count or notice, but another year is drawing to a close quickly.  I can personally say that its been a long one in so many ways.

Overall its been a productive year on a personal front, my partner and I learned to talk to each other and to make room for each other.  My mother has her life semi sorted out, and our relationship is the best it has been in years.  My best buddy in town and I are closer than ever, I am learning each day how much I appreciate him and what he has brought to my life.  My mate from Philly Eric has come through another year with his father making his life a living hell.  But our business partnership now seems to be well cemented.

On a work front nearly 2 years of research and development allowed us to go live with our business, and although the uptake has been slow so has our advertising, due to limited funds.  I'm proud of myself for sticking it through, even though at times it brought back some terribly painful memories.  I'm looking forward to a big year business wise, so at the end of next year I can sit back and smile at what we produced. For your reference people its

The blog this year has been amazing, I simply cant get over the number of visitors to this site, and the varied posts they choose to read.  I passed some 20,000 page views recently, I could never have imagined how many people choose to come here.  The blog has been more than that, it has allowed me to share with others my journey through mental health.  I write the posts partly for me but more importantly for those who feel alone in their illness and those at the point of breaking.  Knowing that someone else has been where you are is a powerful tool to wellness.

I know on this blog at times I have covered some tough and personal stuff and I appreciate that many wont comment. The topics are hard by choice, i write them knowing many wont read them through or even have something to say when they are done.  It goes with the territory mental health by nature is confronting.

 On my own health, I have been through some hell this year, but I am learning more and more about my own strengths and weaknesses.  More importantly though is we took a step forward with my medications using a new anti-depressant and it was a very successful transition.  We tried a new anti-psychotic and disappointing it failed to deliver and left me fairly unwell for a couple weeks.  More over the medication change showed me just how unwell I am when I am not medicated.  Im not sorry that I tried it, without trying new meds I can never move ahead.  There will be more meds next year and I am sure I will go through it all again.

Soon it will be Christmas  and time for family and friends again, as we celebrate together, Im not sure what next year will bring all those I know but I hope and pray that it is a safe a prosperous one.


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