Gloabl sit ins

If you searched this post then you know I am talking about the global phenomena, of sitting in against corporate and government greed.  This movement seems to have galvanized the disenfranchised from all walks of life.  They call themselves the 99%, and I somewhat  agree with them.

Most Australians say nothing, they wont protest they wont act to make a noise, the only time you see them unhappy is when they vote.  The vote is the outlet for peoples displeasure with the world.

Now in any other time in Australian history the change by voting would make a sea change in ideas.  That is not the case today, both sides aim for the middle and we the voting public are left with no real choice.  With company profits soaring, governments seen is inept at taping that wealth for the nation, more and more people are feeling left behind.

There is also an underlying anger that mining companies such as BHP Biliton make more money than the government takes for raping our nation of its mineral wealth.  Why don't we have a sovereign wealth fund like Norway paid for by a super type tax on the miners while they are making their billions.  Mining is great, but once the resources are gone they are gone.  That anger is born out by these sit ins, these peaceful protests.

Loss in real buying power over a decade and a half of wage restraint, housing loans that take 80% of income and a lack of affordable rental property all make for a very sad state of affairs.  In real terms peoples buying power has plummeted since 1980, property being one of the biggest causes.  The Qantas strike is only the beginning as people re unionize to get their fair share,  I heard on the news yesterday that Holden will be the next major company seeing strike action.  The people are starting to want to be heard.

The warning here, is that there are a lot of people out there who are getting angry about the world they live in one where corporate greed and financial miss management are paid for by the common person.  Angry people will only stay quiet for so long and we all have our breaking point.  Wake up government wake up corporations you cant keep taking, you have to start to pay the piper after all if we withdraw our labor your whole system collapses.

Please note, I am not a unionist and I don't agree with the violence surrounding some of these sit ins but I do understand the reasons these people are putting forward.  Why should 99% of the population work to make 1% of the population extremely wealthy.  The rich get richer the middle class is collapsing and the poor just fall further and further beneath the poverty line.  Wake up world before its all to late.


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