Ten years today

Well its that day we wont forget.  Me like millions of others today will post about the events of September 11.  Me personally, I lit a candle and said prayers this morning that those who we lost that day and since in the war on terror.  I prayed for guidance, for clarity and common sense.

The world in general changed this day 10 years ago in a way that we could not have imagined.  The old world order collapsed and a time of insecurity and fear started.  I was reading Boundless Salvation which called for open dialogue between all the faiths for calling out of those who use religion as an excuse for violence.  I in part agree, but I don't think we will be able to see this in my lifetime.  While there is such grave injustice between the haves and have not's in the world, and while dictators steal from their people, the west and all it has will be seen as evil and something to destroy.  A reason for their misery.  Add to this that some religions have the only one god doctrine, there will always be those who advocate only one true way to salvation.

Today more than anything I pray for understanding and level heads on every side of the war on terror, that fundamentalists realize that attacking the west is a futile action, and we in the west need to stop putting are noses in where it is not welcome.  There is a reason why the rest of the world calls this the American empire.

In all a day for reflection, and to ponder the truth about who we are and what we stand for.  For those who haven't seen the Time Magazines Photo essay of September 11 I suggest you click  here. The first photo of this essay lived on my desk for more than 5 years. 


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