This is one of the hardest of all questions that we as humans can ask of ourselves. Some people spend a life time in deep spiritual contemplation seeking the answer to this very question. Now not to take from those people but inside us all is the answer to that question. Whether or not we like the answer is a different story. nearly 15 years ago now I looked to see who I was and what I saw scared me, I attempted to make changes to change that person. In hindsight it was a terrible time of my life to be doing it and it was a contributing factor to my breakdown. More recently I have looked again and seen someone completely different, this person is broken yes and at times wants his life to end. But he is kinder, cares about others more than himself, and has finally found the thing he had hoped he would find. A person who cares about the truth above everything else. I don't suffer fools or liars well. I accept people for who they are but ...