Merry Christmas
In a couple hours it will be Christmas here. Once that would mean getting dressed for midnight mass. I however stopped many years ago now, im not one to be a hypocrite and attend only for the major occasions I don't feel I should so I don't. Though it has been made perfectly clear by our local church I am not welcome anyway. I have not lost the main reasons for Christmas, and that is the belief of many that man's saviour was born. I don't consider myself a Christian any more, and although many would see it as a bad thing, I don't. You see when my Church banished me and my kind and then actively campaigned against us, I was left with no choice. You see my point for acceptance has always been that everyone is made in the image of God. Each of us is therefore perfect, so how can being me be wrong. With all my mental health issues to carry on with, I could not fight to reconcile with the differences. In...