Before you read much further this post is from a personal perspective of dealing with mental illness in a relationship. So where to begin. I have been in my current relationship for about 4 years, my partner is a lot younger than me, and that has been challenging in its own right, this being his first major relationship, just adds to that difficulty for me. I have always been up front about my illness, and most of the side effects of that, but that didn't stop me from doing the wrong thing when the relationship and our finances were under pressure. He couldn't work for 5 months due to surgery, and well I don't get a lot of money, just enough to survive and I did my best to support both our needs. But to get through I paid a cost, a part of my personality that needs to fantasize about my actual place in the world. This means all sorts of bad things were said and done, and expectations were let fall. It was in a lot of ways history repeating itsel...